The facilities of library are available to all its readers, i.e., stake holders. These are all regular enrolled students, all teachers, and all employees. These are more than 2100. Besides, the Book bank scheme helps students of SC/ST/OBC and the scheme of BPL book bank helps the students of below poverty line as directed by the government.                                                                         
Some major facilities available to all stakeholders are:
1. Daily newspaper
2. Monthly magazine for competition examinations
3. Research journals
4. Magazines on current events
5. Weekly Magazines on employment news
6. Text-books and reference books
7. Monthly magazines of literature and stories
8. Science magazines
9. Literature and pdf study material downloading facility, etc.

Physical facilities on library are as under:
1. Separate reading arrangements for boys and girls
2. Separate room for office purpose
3. Separate room to keep old books, journal question papers and news papers.
4. Departmental library to all PG subject separately
5. 65Almirah and 06 steel racks to keep the books inside.
6. Photocopy and computers for office purpose

7.  Notice board, Journal stand, cooler and fans for readers.
8. E-mail, pdf-downloading, internet searching in departments, etc.

A. General Rules
 1) All students must make use of the library facility to enrich their academic excellence.
2) Only enrolled students are allowed to enter the college library on the strength of a valid Identity Card, which must be produced as and when it is demanded by the library staff or college teaching staff.
3) Complete silence must be maintained in & near the library.
4) Students should not bring Walkman or any electronic instruments and any eatables inside the library. Using the cell phone in the library is strictly prohibited.
5) Infringement of the library rules will result in the withdrawal of the library from the student.
6) All cases of the violation of rules will be reported to the Principal for suitable action.
7) In case of any difficulty readers can approach the Librarian.
8) Co- operation of the students is earnestly sought in observing the rules.
  B. Home Lending
1) Library book will be issued to the regular students for home lending only during the 15 days.
2) 2 books will be issued for home lending the library card. Pure reference books, issues of periodicals, magazines, and news papers will not be allowed out of the library or for home lending.
3) The book issued for home reading must be return to the library within 15days
4) A fine of 1=00 rupee, or as decided by the Library Committee will be charged for every day of delay. Persistent delay in returning the charging the fine, Sundays and holidays will be considered.
5) The book may be issued for two weeks provided there is no demand for the book from other students.
6) Book newly acquired for library will be available for reading in the study room as soon as they are ready for us.
 C. Reading Room
1) Book will be issued for reading in the reading room in the library on producing the Identity Card .Books are not to be taken out of the library on any account. Infringement of this rule will make the defaulter liable to an automatic forfeiture or the Identity Card.
2) At the time the book is issued for reading in the reading room or for home reading, the student must satisfy himself/herself that the book is not damaged or that the pages are not missing or torn. If there is a damage or loss of pages or torn of pages, it must be brought to the notice of the library staff. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage, loss, or torn pages.

D. Books Damaged or Lost or Torn Pages
1) If the book is lost, or damaged by the students, or if the pages are missing from the book, the value of the book shall have to be paid at the current price. If the book is rare or out of print & the cost of the book is too low, amount decided by the principal must be paid.
2) Enrolled students and the teaching staff can use the library. No Ex–student or no  will be allowed to use the library.

To monitor activities, services and facilities of library, a library committee is constituted. Committee takes its meetings onetime to time headed by the Principal. This committee verifies the facilities given to its stakeholders. In an annual basis, the physical verification committee is also constituted by the principal to give actual number of bookism library.